Monday, August 5, 2013

Welcome to the Course!

Sagas and sea monsters.  Lust and love triangles.  Satire and scandal.  Romance and reason.  It’s all here—the most exciting stories ever written, by the most mysterious and inspired authors in the English language.  This course reconstructs the worlds each of these authors lived in, so we can appreciate how their words sounded to its contemporaries, none of whom knew they were listening to ‘classic’ literature.  The challenge for you, as a student, is to be open to the clash of cultures, languages, ideas, and genres that make up the first thousand years of English literature.  So whether you are an ardent Anglophile or are racked with Metrophobia (fear of poetry), you will find something in this class that moves you…confuses you…inspires you…and intimidates you.  Read with an open mind and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Be sure to get the 6 books for class as soon as possible and note that 2 books (Sir Gawain and Sense and Sensibility) must be the Norton Critical edition.  All course texts are available at the ECU bookstore or on-line, but please don't wait until the week we start a text to order it.  We move quickly through each text, and class discussions rely on your active engagement with the book and our daily questions.  So don't fall behind!  

Also, be sure to bookmark this page, since I will post questions, assignments, announcements, and other links that will affect the course.  I look forward to sharing this wonderful material with you in class!  

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