Sunday, October 20, 2013

For Monday: Fielding's Tom Jones (the BBC series, that is)

Another slight change of plan: instead of jumping right into the Gothic movement and The Castle of Otranto, I decided to give you the week to work hard on your Paper #2 (due on FRIDAY, revised date)!  Also, I won't be able to teach on Friday, since I'll be returning from a literary conference in Tulsa.  So as a way of connecting back to The Way of the World, I want to watch some scenes from the BBC's adaptation of Henry Fielding's classic 18th-century novel, Tom Jones.  Though we don't have time to read it (it's over 800 pages long!), even from the film we'll see numerous connections to the play, and you can better imagine the world Mirabell, Mrs. Fainall, and Miss Millamant lived in.

See you tomorrow...

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