Thursday, October 3, 2013

Don't forget STD tomorrow at 2! (see the next post down for Friday's class)

Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, will be having its second meeting of the fall semester at 2 p.m. this Friday, October 4th in the Academic Engagement Center (Faust 159).Subsequent meetings in the fall semester will also be scheduled for the first Friday of each month through December.
Whether you are an STD frequent flier or you’ve never had the pleasure of attending one of our meetings, we hope you’ll find a way to work us into your schedule if you enjoy talking about fiction, poetry, drama, film, ideas, and other topics of literary interest—whether you are an English major or not.  And if you know someone who is not on this mailing list but might like to be, invite them to give STD a try in November. 
Tomorrow’s reading will be a text by Dr. Paul Bogard, from James Madison University in Virginia, who will coming to campus on November 4th.
We hope to see you there!
Steve Benton
Joshua Grasso
Rebecca Nicholson-Weir
Sarah Peters (faculty co-sponsors)

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