Friday, September 6, 2013

For Monday: Part IV of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

For Friday's class, try to finish Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; there are no questions, but I will offer you a intriguing in-class writing question for Monday.  Also, be sure you have the correct edition of the text, since we will be reading essays from the back next week; if not, I will be able to make a few photocopies for suitably penitent pupils.  :)

For those of you interested in the culture of 14th century England/Europe, as well as chivalric romances, here is a You Tube clip of a chanson (romance set to music, usually about chivalric love) by Guilluame Machaut, a famous French composer of the time and a contemporary of the Gawain poet.  This is the music troubadours would have sung in court and inspired knights to seek the attentions of a beautiful maiden to perform heroic deeds for...or, in a less exalted mood, simply shag in the closet.  Either way, it gives you a sense of what this world sounded like at the time; it makes good background music while reading Part IV!

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