Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Final Exam: This Friday @ 9:00

REMEMBER that our final exam is this Friday @ 9:00 (it's scheduled for 8:00, but I thought it was nicer to push it back to 9 because of the ice and the ungodly hour!).  The study guide for the exam can be found in the post below.  DO NOT bring any books to the exam--it's a closed book exam.  It shouldn't be tricky, however--if you did the work and came to class (which not everyone did!) you will do fine. 

I also want to do my annual Brit I book raffle, where I give out free British-themed books to a few members of class.  It's a simple 'thank you' for taking the course and making it one of the most valuable teaching experiences I've had at ECU.  Honestly, I loved teaching this course and will miss it incredibly next semester.  I appreciate all the hard work and enthusiasm!

See you on Friday... 

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