Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Final Exam: This Friday @ 9:00

REMEMBER that our final exam is this Friday @ 9:00 (it's scheduled for 8:00, but I thought it was nicer to push it back to 9 because of the ice and the ungodly hour!).  The study guide for the exam can be found in the post below.  DO NOT bring any books to the exam--it's a closed book exam.  It shouldn't be tricky, however--if you did the work and came to class (which not everyone did!) you will do fine. 

I also want to do my annual Brit I book raffle, where I give out free British-themed books to a few members of class.  It's a simple 'thank you' for taking the course and making it one of the most valuable teaching experiences I've had at ECU.  Honestly, I loved teaching this course and will miss it incredibly next semester.  I appreciate all the hard work and enthusiasm!

See you on Friday... 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Extra Credit Questions: 2007 Adaptation of Northanger Abbey

This film is an excellent adaptation (though taking certain liberties) of Austen’s early novel, which was written in 1798 along with the first versions of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility (then entitled First Impressions and Elinor and Marianne).  However, she revised the work in 1815 and changed it a bit, much as she did the other two works (which were more heavily revised).  That said, it represents an important transition from the world of wit and satire to the world of Romance and Gothic excess, which Austen parodies in Catherine Morland’s reading habits.  However, like Sense and Sensibility, Austen gives us satire from a woman’s point of view, and offers us unique insight into the “little” world of domestic concerns that few men could be bothered to take notice of. 

Answer TWO of the following…

1.         Though Austen doesn’t take us to the streets of London or the depths of Otranto, we do see the very real world of Bath, a notorious social center of the time.  How does Austen’s ‘tour’ of Bath offer a satire of the people, manners, and aims of high society as rich as anything in The Way of the World?  Be specific and cite an actual scene (or dialogue) from the film. 

2.         In the opening chapter of Northanger Abbey, Austen’s narrator admits that “[Catherine] never could learn or understand any thing before she was taught; and sometimes not even then, for she was often unattentive, and occasionally stupid.”  The film, too, shows Catherine as a somewhat unremarkable and not at all ‘wise’ at first.  Why do you think Austen creates such a untypical heroine?  How does this play into some of the themes of the book/film, as well as her taste in novels? 

3.         Why does General Tilney throw Catherine so unceremoniously out of his home?  What is her “crime”?  Why might his actions have seemed more ‘Gothic’ at the time than they do today?  What were the repercussions for Catherine, being sent home without a coach or a servant…and what fate might have awaited her once she got home? 

4.         How does the movie (like the book itself) seem to be a satire on novels in general?  What kind of novels does Catherine and her friends read, and why might reading, when done without sense/education, lead to trouble?  Additionally, how might this relate to our own times—to women (and men, perhaps) who read indiscriminately and view the world accordingly? 

Final Exam Study Guide

This is a relatively brief, but comprehensive exam covering all the works in class.  You may not bring your books to class or any notes.  The goal of the exam is simply to see how much you read and understood during our collective journey through the class.  Remember, a survey class like this one is designed to help you see how literature is informed by history and culture, and the relationship of one work to another as we move from the earliest ages of English literature to the late 18th century.  For that reason, I want to see if you were able to make these connections and see the ‘family tree’ of British literature. 

The Exam will have 3 Parts:

PART I: Passages—a short passage from each work in class, which you will have to label by author, work, and the significance of the scene (in other words, what is happening here and why did I choose it?).  I will not give you the names of the authors or the books, so you should keep these in your memory.   

PART II: Art and Literature—I will have a painting on the screen which you will have to connect to a specific work and explain the connection between the two.  For example, what is each one doing, how do they relate to their specific moment in history, and how does the art help read the novel (or the reverse)? 

PART III: A ‘Big Picture’ Question—a question which asks how British literature fits into some aspect of modern culture, the modern high school/college curriculum, or simply into a study of human behavior/society in general.  You will be expected to draw from a few works in your answer. 

FINAL EXAM DATE: Friday, December 13th @ 9:00

NOTE: All revisions of papers are due on this date as well.  Bring them to the exam at the latest, though I would prefer them even before this if possible.  You cannot turn in any revisions after the exam, nor can you revise a paper you didn’t turn in during the original due date.